J Charisma

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Season and Holiday Greetings

Season and Holiday Greetings
From the heart of Hormones and High Heels

And I Thank You
for allowing me the opportunity to spread a unique brand of Holiday Cheer
as I introduce you to a

I am excited because I’m sure you are going to fall in love with her as I have
And because I have the pleasure of sharing with you as was done for me,
the lesson of   

One day very unintentionally and without any sense of pretentiousness
as she entered the room, 
I encountered this splendid yet graceful woman. 
And even though she was assisted by a cane, she was still nicely handling a pair of pumps, 
her silver gray hair was fixed up real pretty, 
and she was wearing a classy dress suit with matching accessories.  
And while there was an initial moment that I noticed her, 
as I let my gaze rest on her, more than merely observing, 
I beheld her.  
Because as she made her way more fully into the room, 
she was beaming one of the brightest and prettiest smiles I have had the occasion to witness.  But it was more than a carnal representation of the visual or sensory...
Expressed through the heart of her smile and written on her face was
self-contentment, peacefulness and a joyous appreciation for the moment.
And the crowd of about 100 faces magnetically and almost simultaneously turned towards her and smiled all of that beauty, love, and joy right back to her because it was so delightfully contagious.  

My God! What a Vision!!  
All I could think was that she was shining from the inside out as if she had just walked into her own party
and her obvious display of happiness made her appear all the more grand and mischievous at the same time.
But what I ultimately realized is that she was welcoming and inviting us as honored guests to walk into her party with her.   
Her presence and the Spirit that accompanied her were all of the amenities needed to begin and revel in the merriment

And although proximity didn’t allow for verbal acknowledgement of my experience of her, the impact of that moment never left me nor has it waned in significance.  
And because it so profoundly moved me, I have allowed it to teach me.

 So while I have spent moments reflecting on her grace, dignity, and poise, 
This is what I have come to know….
Without a doubt she didn’t come to who and what she is without having been challenged, championed and sometimes crippled by the realities of life. 
Yet, the regal glow that emanated from her said that she was Living Her Joy, 
and not the losses, disappointments, tears, sadness or failures. 
A lady and majestic warrior all rolled into one.  
Which is how and why she became known to and by me as a/my

And despite not having exchanged pleasantries, 
the wisdom of her presence revealed, reminded and reinforced in me… 
That as much as I love and celebrate the joyous occasions that meet me during the course of the four annual seasons, 
I don’t have to wait for Christmas to be jolly and laugh out loud, 
I don’t have to reserve New Year’s Eve to toot my horn and plant kisses on my loved ones
I don’t need bands playing and flags waving on the Fourth of July to step and prance to the rhythm of my heart and soul, 
I don’t need a huge Thanksgiving turkey in the center of my table to be appreciative and generous, 
I don’t have to check for Memorial Day to invite friends over for festivities, food, fellowship and fun.
And I don’t need a designated day off from work to grant myself time to rest, restore, and pamper
Because although they may appear as random days on the calendar, 
I get to live my joy on days such as
 April 13th, while I’m reaping, or February 5th, while I’m planting, 
or September 7th while I am awaiting my harvest.

Because God has blessed me and given me seasons
to live with, to move from, to journey through,
to enjoy, remember, learn, laugh, cry, love, and to heal from,
And because through the magnificence of His creation,
     I am afforded messages
             of beauty, faith, trust, and promise…….

I am about the business of
Living My Joy, My Happy, and My Hope in My Every Season

Thank You to My
And I encourage each of us to find and fall in love with the
Simply Beautiful Sister within (our years on earth is not a prerequisite to claiming the title}
and let her live her joy fully, abundantly, and absolutely each and every day