Hormones and High Heels
Welcome to
Hormones and High Heels
A Grown Woman’s Narrative
When I considered delving into the world of blogging, I did so thinking that it would be a brilliant idea to explore the topic of women as we go through the "Change".
Because as I was living within the experience of it, I realized that this stage of life is multi-layered and multi-faceted, with elements of mystery, mastery, mistakes and misunderstanding. And as I examined more closely the details I also noted with a certain measure of disdain and defensiveness that mature women are many times and in many ways being marginalized and banished into a space and time of insignificance, invisibility and/or are being treated as the joke or punishment for existing past a certain age. Now I don’t say this with bitterness or anger, though clearly, I feel some-kind-of-way about it. But I also realize beyond any hint of uncertainty, that some of these very misunderstandings, misappropriations, devaluations and misnomers of personal womanhood, are found in the characterizations, depictions, and language of those of us who have to navigate and negotiate this reality. So to anyone who may be offended, taken aback or disagree with this pronouncement, let’s just consider what we personally bring to bear in our own self-definitions. We can never and must not ever get tired of our womaness and womanhood because it deserves our honor, respect, allegiance, persistence, purposeful attention and love.
And as I began to contemplate topics, write articles, and let life experiences inform what I thought was good, funny, candid, wise, informative, sassy, blasphemous, inspirational, serious, and meaningful subject matter, I came to the conclusion that one season of life does not capture all that needs to be said about women and womanhood and sisterhood and fellowship and relationship and the intersection intentional and unintentional of women and girls and tweens and teens and elders. Because no matter the difference in our ages, life stages, and the variety of categories we find ourselves in, there is an undeniable and inexplicable connection between the generations. And we are all always and forever changing and evolving.
So ultimately, that is what this blog is all about. Everything will not apply to you, but I am confident and hopeful that many things will. If not personally, then perhaps you will see the connection to someone who is dear to you and may even begin to understand why they are who they are and do what they do. Some of the information may be entertaining, thought provoking, inspiring, and/or just plain ole good reading. Some you may be able to use now, some you may store away for later.
But most importantly, again, I welcome you to join me on this journey as we do the dance of our femaleness and femininity and girl-ness and womanhood in all of its hormone charged myriad manifestations.
PS – I sometimes make up words to stress my point. Example – womaness, but no worries, I am just using my creativity creatively.